22-12-2020, 05:09 PM
Cześć. Przepatrzyłem forum i nie znalazłem odp. Chciałem zainstalować Coreelec-a na MXQ4k Pro czyli s905x. Na karcie pamięci działa elegancko, ale chciałem zainstalować na pamięci wewnętrznej. Przy komendzie po SSH :
CoreELEC:~ # installtointernal
One of BOOT, SYTEM, DATA or DTB partitions is missing.
Make sure that you are using a correct device tree and a device with internal memory!
Not all devices are compatible with installtointernal due to unsupported NAND/eMMC
chips being used by some manufacturers.
CoreELEC:~ #
CoreELEC:~ # installtointernal
One of BOOT, SYTEM, DATA or DTB partitions is missing.
Make sure that you are using a correct device tree and a device with internal memory!
Not all devices are compatible with installtointernal due to unsupported NAND/eMMC
chips being used by some manufacturers.
CoreELEC:~ #